Dana (generosity)

All teachings and healing exchanges are seen as priceless; they cannot be bought or sold.

Dana, generosity, is a form of seva (service) and is the first of the Great Perfections taught by ancient teachers like Budha and Guru Nanak. The reciprocity, an exchange, is an essential foundation for developing the mind of abundance and generosity and receiving actual benefits of services. It can be an exchange of any kind. You are welcome to connect with me if a financial exchange is not feasible.

In this tradition of dana, I also offer my time, teaching, and healing sessions freely, out of gratitude for the teachings I have received from my teachers over the last 25 years and appreciation for the culture I come from. If you are moved or supported by what I offer, I encourage you to consider giving dana to support my continued teaching and well-being. 

There is no expected amount of dana. Please look into your heart, what seems right for you at this moment, and offer. It can be a one-time donation of any amount, a donation when you meet with me or attend a class, or a regular monthly donation.
