Somatic Retreats, workshops, and courses!

  • Cultivating S.l.o.w. Presence- Human services professionals

    I offer participants the most immersive experience of the slow presence approach. During the retreat, we engage in deep inner work, rest, and listen to our sensations, longings, orientations, and wonderment. We build communities to lay the foundation of trust to listen to the wisdom of our inner world and honor each person’s identity and integrity. I offer a ray of hope and creativity, to thrive inwards and outwards in all the roles we play in life.

    This retreat is ideal for you, if you are looking for:

    1. rest and listen to your embodied wisdom, while sitting with not knowing.

    2. bear witness to the heart's longing.

    3. explore compassionate action/s.

  • Somatic Katha: Rediscover S.L.O.W. (Sensations, Longings, mind’s Orientation, and Wonder) Presence

    Most of us live with an inner critic/s who often hinder/s our path. It becomes painful when we let the critical parts become our core directing voice. The inner critic may visit as a whisper, a cry, or a severe embodied pain. It is easy to get swayed by what this critic asks us to do/not do; say/not say, etc. This inner voice may leave us feeling tired, unloved, not good enough, and incompetent. 

    This retreat is designed for three days in person and two months online as a space for acknowledging, understanding, and responding to the inner critic through movement arts, writing, and dialogue as tools. We’ll practice responding to the inner critic by offering s.l.o.w** presence and engaging in contemplative somatic practices, dedicated rituals, meditation, and group work. SLOW stands for Sensations, Longing, Orientations, and Wonderment. This is a practice-based model developed to cultivate a holistic presence. 

    this retreat is ideal for you, if you are looking to:

    1. understand who is the inner critic, and how to work with its intentions. 

    2. learn to disidentify with the Inner Critic

    3. create a new embodied katha (narrative/story) to a healthy vision of the inner critic- a nurturer

    4. co-create tools for inviting the Inner Critic to be an ally, a nurturer.

    In Hindi, Katha means narrative, an expression of story. This retreat is rooted in somatic experience practice (SEP), movement arts practices, and writing as tools, to lay the foundation for re-creating a new somatic narrative. This is suitable for anyone longing to recreate one's embodied wisdom of the self.

  • S.l.o.w. presence- a bow to grief and joy!

    an online, year-long program designed to slowly create space for the grieving heart. many of us don’t have access to grieve for a loss and many of us are scared to grieve in anticipation of falling apart. grief and joy gathering is an invitation to be held in accompaniment of others and slowly cultivating joy. Following the wisdom of the book, The Wild Edge of Sorrow, by Francis Weller and the S.L.O.W. presence framework, This nine-month-long gathering of transformative learning experiences offers a sacred container, a gathering for grief and joy.

    check more details here.

  • Embracing Healing by understanding Trauma

    This 5 weeks series is designed to restore nervous system regulation through interpersonal neurobiology-informed education, contemplative practices, and neurosensory exercises.

gatherings are offered in various formats such as:

  • on-land and online

  • workshops

  • 9-12 months

  • 4-8 weeks

  • 1-2-3 days retreats